Thursday, February 12, 2009

Gregg Bails Out Of Cabinet Post

Judd Gregg, the Republican Senator from New Hampshire, withdrew his name from nomination today as Secretary of Commerce. Gregg, a leading Republican moderate in the Senate, was President Barack Obama's choice for the Commerce post following Bill Richardson's withdrawal from the nomination. Richardson, who at times campaigned alongside Obama in the 2008 Presidential campaign, withdrew over controversy in his home state around "pay for play" issues.

Senator Gregg, was touted by Obama as a knowledgeable replacement for Richardson and someone with strong Republican credentials that could aid the President in his bridge toward bipartisanship. The Senator expressed differences of opinion, over his and the President's views on the stimulus plan, that the President has been pushing through Congress, with the support of the Congressional Democrats, as well as the intention of the Obama administration to significantly politicize the 2010 census.

Historically, responsibility for oversight of the census falls within the purview of the Commerce Department. The Obama administration has plans to provide oversight of the 2010 census from the White House.

Senator Gregg's withdrawal from the nomination process for Commerce Secretary, is clearly a blow to Obama and his administration's selection process which has been plagued with issues that evolved over a number of nominees that had tax issues including, former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, who withdrew his name from nomination as Secretary of Health and Human Services and Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner who was approved despite his tax problems.

In addition, the Senator's withdrawal casts a negative light upon the stimulus package and attempts by the President to position the package as a bipartisan plan. To date only three republicans, all Senators have voted in favor of the plan. A compromise bill is expected to be approved by the House and Senate over the next 24 to 48 hours.

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